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Welcome to

The Flying Medium

Where Spiritual and Travel Journeys Meet

Welcome to

The Flying ​Medium!

I’m Kristen, a recovering attorney who ​swapped courtrooms for spiritual channels ​and represents the dead instead of the living. ​Now, as a medium, channel of Archangel ​Raphael, and flight attendant, I’m here to ​guide you on earthly and otherworldly ​journeys—with a touch of humor and a lot of ​heart.

My Journey

Once upon a time, I was an attorney, navigating the legal system. But ​after countless objections and cross-examinations, I found my true ​calling in the spiritual realm. Now, as a medium and channel of ​Archangel Raphael, I offer you a first-class ticket to divine insights ​and healing energies.

But wait, there’s more! My adventures didn’t stop there. I also took to ​the skies as a flight attendant, experiencing the beauty of the world ​from 35,000 feet. I’ve met fascinating people and discovered that the ​best travel pillow is still a myth. This unique combination of roles ​allows me to offer you a holistic perspective on life’s journeys.

Whether you're seeking spiritual guidance, a celestial pick-me-up, or ​travel planning with a side of positivity, I'm your go-to guide.

Services Offered

Group of Middle Aged Friends Meeting
Brown Wooden Table Beside Pool
Wooden Round Table Near the Couch

Gr​oup Mediumship Readings

Gather your friends and join me for a group​ mediumship reading that’s equal parts​ enlightening and entertaining! ​

Divine Travel Getaway​s

Discover your perfect travel destination with a ​touch of divine guidance! Prepare for a journey ​that's spiritually aligned and meticulously planned.

Ch​anneling Sessions

Direct messages from Archangel Raphael, because ​who doesn’t need a little divine advice now and ​then?

Why Choose The Flying Medium?

View From Airplane Seat
Divine light
Symbolic picture vacation travel traveling luxury villa sea airplane flying Seychelles aerial photo beach

Unique Perspective

I bring the analytical mind of an ​attorney, the spiritual insights of a ​medium, and the worldly experience of a ​flight attendant. It’s like having a Swiss ​Army knife of wisdom.

Divine Connection

Channeling the wisdom and healing ​energies of Archangel Raphael—​think of it as your spiritual GPS.

Holistic Guidance

Supporting your earthly travels and ​spiritual journey with a dash of ​humor and a sprinkle of magic.


Our guests enjoyed two hours of ​psychic mediumship. Kristen took ​the time with each guest to ​personalize each guests information ​and explain her process. She is both ​kind and patient. I highly ​recommend her as an entertainer ​and a grief counselor.


Shari @ Worlds Online ​Festival

I’ve worked with Kristen personally ​and it is absolutely magical!!!!


Halle Beeler McCrory

Kristen is the real deal. It is so clear ​that she is truly gifted and there ​were so many clear messages for our ​guests. We had a group of about 20 ​and it was perfect! Highly ​recommend!


Graciela Valdes

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Connect with Me

Join me as we explore the depths of your spirit and the ​wonders of the world together. Whether you’re in need of ​spiritual guidance, channeling sessions, or booking travel, ​I’m here to support and entertain you.

Feel free to reach out here for any inquiries or to schedule ​a session. Follow me on Instagram @theflyingmedium for ​daily inspiration, spiritual insights, and travel tips—with ​a side of humor.

Thank you for visiting The Flying Medium. I look ​forward to connecting with you and making your journey ​as uplifting as possible—both literally and spiritually.

The Flying Medium